Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost are accounted for i.e. the liability’s Effective Rate of Interest is CHARGED as a finance cost to the Profit or Loss (not the interest paid in cash) and changes in Market Rate of interest are IGNORED – i.e. the liability is not revalued at the reporting date.
Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost – Accounting As Per IFRS 9
At INITIAL recognition, Financial Liability is Classified and Measured at amortized cost UNLESS either:
- The financial liability is held for trading and is therefore required to be Measured at FVPL (e.g. derivatives not designated in a hedging relationship); OR
- The entity elects to measure the financial liability at FVPL (using the fair value option).
[Reclassification of ‘Financial Liability’ after initial recognition is NOT allowed.]
Examples of Financial Liabilities that are Likely to be Classified and Accounted for at Amortized Cost INCLUDE: |
(a) Trade payables |
(b) Loan payables with standard interest rates (such as a benchmark rate plus a Margin) OR the host contract arising from a loan agreement that contains separable ‘Embedded Derivatives‘ |
(c) Bank borrowings |
The Accounting Requirements for Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost are:
- It is initially Measured at fair value less transaction costs;
- It is subsequently Measured at amortized cost;
- Interest expense is recognized in P&L using the effective interest rate (IRR); AND
- Foreign exchange gains and losses on the amortized cost are recognized in P&L.
Chartered Accountant – ICAP
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) – AeU, Malaysia