IFRS 9—Financial Liability Definition

Financial Liability

Financial Liability Definition DEFINES Financial Liability any liability that is Contractual Obligation to DELIVER cash/another financial asset or to EXCHANGE financial assets/financial liabilities, Contract that will or May-be settled in entity’s own equity instruments. Financial Liability Definition IFRS 9 Financial Instruments specifies how an entity should CLASSIFY and MEASURE Financial Assets, Financial liabilities, and Contracts … Read More

Financial Asset Definition IFRS 9

Financial Asset

Financial Asset Definition IFRS 9 DEFINES Financial Asset any asset that is Cash, Equity Instrument of another entity, Contractual Right to RECEIVE cash/another financial asset or to EXCHANGE financial assets/financial liabilities, Contract that will or May-be settled in entity’s own equity instruments. Financial Asset Definition IFRS 9 IFRS 9 Financial … Read More

Deferred Revenue IFRS 15 – Meaning and Accounting

Deferred Revenue

Deferred Revenue IFRS 15, i.e. Unearned revenue or customer prepayments, arises when a Co. receives payment from a customer before it has FULFILLED its performance obligations. Deferred Revenue IFRS 15 – Background IFRS 15 [Revenue from Contracts with Customers] PROVIDES guidance on Recognizing, Measuring and Disclosing revenue presented the concept … Read More

What is the Difference between Assets and Liabilities?

What Is the difference between Assets and Liabilities?

What is the Difference between Assets and Liabilities? a Concept that STATES ‘Assets’ as Economic Resources owned or controlled by an entity to provide future benefits, AND ‘Liabilities’ represent the Obligations or Debts owed by an entity to external parties. Assets (As Per IAS 1) ‘Assets’ are Economic Resources owned … Read More

IAS 1—Going Concern Principle in Accounting

Going Concern Principle

The Going Concern Principle in Accounting ENSURES Financial Statements reflect the assumption that the business will continue to operate in the foreseeable future. It is based on the idea that Co. ‘Financial Statements’ should REFLECT its ability to Meet its obligations and continue operating as a viable business entity. Going … Read More